Wednesday, May 15, 2013

15, 16 and 17 Weeks! I've been slacking!

Sorry it's been awhile since my last post, but honestly there hasn't been a whole lot to update one, which is good right?

I met the man who'll be my primary OB/GYN last week Monday at 15 weeks 5 days and had a quick ultrasound.  I'll post those pictures below.  I'm sure I mentioned in past posts that I was looking for a provider that would allow me to have as natural delivery as possible, or at least attempt it, in an effort to avoid the "cascade of interventions" that seem to lead so many women to potentially unnecessary C-sections.  And please, I'm not saying some C-sections aren't needed, I know it can be a life-saving operation.  I just want a chance to do what I believe I'm more than capable of doing.  I probably sound like a "birth hippie" but I firmly believe women are made to be able to withstand labor and deliver their babies (again, in MOST cases).  I really really liked this OB, he's patient and incredibly kind and I believe shares the philosophy that women CAN do this, so I'm happy I'll probably at least attempt a natural birth provided everything else is a-okay.  Dr. H did a quick ultrasound to look at the babies heartbeats because he said it's hard to know if he's finding both with a handheld doppler.  Both babies looked great and he saw no concerns about growth at this time, and both had heart rates in the 150's (152 and 155 I believe).

This also means that the "big ultrasound" has been scheduled!  Our anatomy scan (or the ultrasound where most parents can find out the sex of the baby) is scheduled for June 14th!  Still another 4 weeks from Friday so I'm a little bummed I have to wait that long but he was completely booked for the week prior.

Without further delay, here are our little ones:

This is Baby A, during the ultrasound he/she was head down and facing outward so I could see the little face :0)

This is Baby B, during the ultrasound this one was head up and facing toward my spin, so his/her arms legs were kicking out towards Baby A.  Camera shy this one?  I thought it was so cool to see the little spine and little arm and leg bones!

As far as how I've been feeling, pretty good overall!  It was strange, I got sick for the first time after a meal last week, at 16 weeks!  My thoughts: "Seriously, I'm 16 weeks!" and then changed to "I'm actually very grateful though that I haven't felt like this on the daily" because I know several friends who were very sick in early pregnancy, so I realize I've been very lucky.  I've also started getting mild to moderate heartburn, not every day right now but I bought some Tums just in case.  

I also keep waking up at night on my back, which I read that it's best to avoid back and stomach sleeping after the first trimester, so I bought a Snoogle, a big "C" shaped body pillow to help keep me from rolling onto my back at night.  Most of the time it helps, but I've still woken up a few times on my back, this whole exclusive side sleeping thing is going to be tricky!

My only other update is my mom took me maternity clothes shopping for Mother's Day!  My very first Mother's Day :0)  We went to Kohl's, Old Navy and Target.  I only bought a few things, I hate shopping for clothes for myself in general so wasn't too surprised that I didn't find much I liked in the maternity sections.  And my question here is:  why are all these shirts so damn tight?  I'm not interested in showing off my bump and all my pudge.  I want loose and comfy, considering I'm going to be enormous all summer.  Maybe I should just invest in some Muu Muus.

Keep an eye out for some photos of our soon to be nursery!  We're going to do a Finding Nemo theme, regardless of sex of the babies, because honestly, who doesn't love Finding Nemo??  I may also finally start taking some photos of myself, as I finally think I may be starting to show.  Haven't taken any yet, maybe next week.  I'm still waiting to "pop" aka, where it will noticeable for everyone, not just myself.