Sunday, March 31, 2013

10.5 weeks!

Haven't updated for awhile, I guess I didn't feel the need to continue whining about how tired I was (and still am) I thought that might make for a boring blog.  And other than the fatigue I'm still feeling pretty good, still will have some weird food aversions though, one day something sounds amazing and the next day the thought of that same food makes my stomach churn.  Makes it hard trying to find something to eat sometimes!  Which I guess is part of the reason I haven't completely given up foods on the "list of foods to avoid." For instance, I've had a few tuna sandwiches from Subway because that's what sounded good.  So, I'm not eating that stuff everyday but I have indulged in tuna and lunchmeat a few times. 

I had my first appointment with a provider this past Thursday.  We saw a nurse practitioner that does the initial OB visits for the doctor we want to see.  She was very nice and the appointment was pretty uneventful.  Due to some potential insurance issues I did not have an ultrasound at that appointment but she did try to find heartbeats with a doppler, but first telling me that at 10 weeks, there was only a 50% chance of finding them so early and since my uterus tips backward it was probably making it extra difficult.  She looked for awhile but no luck, so I have an ultrasound scheduled for April 8th!

Tom's mom was here this weekend for Easter and after we told her the news we went to Ikea the next day and she bought us 2 cribs! Such a nice gift!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Eight Weeks!

Couple days behind here on my post!  Wednesday marked 8 weeks into the pregnancy!  Babies are officially fetuses instead of embryos now!  I still worry a lot about whether they're growing ok in there, but I guess I consider each day a victory and just trusting in God for healthy babies. 

No new symptoms, just battling intense fatigue and food aversions still.  Do I sound like a broken record yet?  But honestly, this fatigue is a little ridiculous.  Last night I slept about 11 hours, got up and went about my day, 6 hours later I feel asleep...for THREE hours!  It's so difficult for me to be motivated to do anything, everything tires me out, just looking forward to feeling more normal!  I keep thinking I'm going to start showing any minute, but I suppose even with twins it's going to take awhile. 

Tom and I have my first appointment coming up on March 27th, I'll be about 10 weeks at that appointment.  I've decided I'm most likely going to see the physician I mentioned earlier in Hudson, WI that seems to specialize in vaginal twin delivery, VBAC and vaginal breech birth.  Attempting a normal vaginal birth is important to me to at least try.  Unfortunately Hudson Hospital just passed a ban on all breech births with this physician, despite the fact that there have been no bad outcomes.  Hopefully I'll be able to deliver at Woodwinds in Woodbury with this physician. 

Well anyway enough of my ramblings, til the next update!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

7 Weeks!

I need more creative titles for my blog posts, titling based on how far along I am just seems so...generic?

Anyway yesterday marked 7 weeks on the pregnancy journey, today it's been 6 days since our big news of finding out about our twins!  I'm still feeling pretty good but I think the occasional nausea and food aversions are getting worse but luckily I still have not gotten sick yet.  I'm still just so crazy tired.  I sort of feel like an old lady with my constant need to take a nap.  I like to play the "I'm growing two humans here" card with Tom as my excuse for everything, I think it's working.  That or I just married an amazingly understanding man.

On Tuesday I had my first appointment but only saw a nurse.  We went over my medical history and she gave me a ton of information.  TMI AHEAD, YOU'VE BEEN WARNED:  I've had a terrible time "going" lately so we had a nice chat about that, which I hated, because like any nurse I hate being the patient.  Didn't know pregnancy was so gosh darn sexy right?

I was somewhat disappointed to learn I can't see the midwife group at Mayo due to my twin pregnancy.  I'm just so worried about having a C-section (thanks to some horrible nightmares I had).  I know that at the end of it all it's just going to be important that I'm ok and we have 2 healthy babies but I think I still deserve the type of birth I'd envisioned.  Earlier I mentioned that Tom and I initially wanted a natural birth at a birth center with a midwife but birth centers in MN do not do twin delivery.  From what I'm finding with twins is that I'm probably going to be made to deliver in the OR with a strongly advised epidural.  It's just not what I envisioned.  I was recently told about a physician in Hudson WI that sort of functions as a male midwife :0) From what I'm told he's fantastic in encouraging women in their birth plan.  And again, all I really want is to have 2 healthy babies regardless but I really want to see this doctor in the hopes of having both 2 healthy babies and a fantastic birth experience.

Our first photos of the twins are now gracing our fridge, I need to figure out how to get cell phone photos onto our computer without having to go through Facebook so I can put them on here!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Ultrasound Update (I tihnk I need to amend the title of my blog...)

Alright so Tom and I had our first ultrasound on March 1!  I can't even begin to describe how nervous I was.  The woman on the phone with me when I made the appointment told me to drink at least 24oz of water an hour before my appointment.  Clearly she didn't know I'd have to pee about 3 times before even making it to the appointment.  That's why I hate pelvic ultrasounds, I never know how much water to drink.  Anyway I had a bottle of water and went to the bathroom as soon as I arrived (20 minutes early) and then continued to chug my water while I waited.  The tech tried to call me back right away but Tom hadn't gotten there yet so I requested to wait a little longer.  I suppose I should let the father of my child in on the ultrasound ;-)

After Tom arrived and we got called back the tech asked some questions about possible dating and had me lie down for the abdominal portion of the ultrasound.  I was actually assuming she'd skip right to the transvaginal part but she told me she'd look around on top before things got more invasive, ha!  The abdominal ultrasound didn't show much, she told us she could see the gestational sac but nothing else at that point. 

Time for the transvaginal ultrasound, yay!  Ok, not really, I've had several before and it's not the most glamorous procedure.  If you've never had one you basically position yourself like you would for a pelvic exam:  undressed from the waist down, ass hanging off the table and feet in the stirrups.  Nice.  The tech then has the probe she basically covers with a condom and lubricant and inserts it into the vagina.  Sorry if this is too much for anyone, I'm a nurse and nothing is ever TMI with me, so I forget that with some people it may be, ha!  Ok enough blabbering-to the good stuff!

As soon as the tech turned the monitor toward me I saw what I was NOT expecting to see, even before she started explaining things.  She explained the gestational sac is the baby's "home" and said we'd see the baby in there.  She then asked me what we saw.  We both had noticed before she said anything and responded "There's two in there?"  The tech responds "Yep! Congratulations!"  I'm not really sure what I felt all in that moment.  Hell, surprise was one emotion, twins were something I never considered.  Also excitment (ohmygosh, TWO babies!?!?), fear (will everything be ok? how will we make this work?) and anxiety (will this change my prenatal care? will I end up on bedrest?).  The rest of the ultrasound was kind of a blur.  The tech took measurements and showed us the babies flickering heartbeats, very cool to see, however, they're so small they don't look much like babies yet.  They were both measuring a couple days behind where I was thinking I was and the tech said my doc would provider might order another scan soon.  I suppose I should also add that both babies are in the same gestational sac which based on my research means they're probably identical!  And in case you're wondering and since we're already getting asked, identical twins do not appear to have a genetic component, that's more for fraternal twining.  Apparently we're just one of the lucky one to end up with random identical babes!

After we left I was still in a total daze still.  We drove to my dad's since we planned to have dinner with him.  We had planned on telling him we were expecting and now we were going to tell him we were having not one but two babies!  We ended up telling him at dinner that we had some news, I could kind of tell by his face that he probably already knew what I was going to say.  We told him I was expecting and then added "yeahhh and today we found out there are two babies in there!" We also showed him the ultrasound photos to prove we weren't making anything up!  We told my mom the next day and she was just as shocked as I probably was at the ultrasound.  I'm still sort of in disbelief when I think about having twins but I'm coming around, just have to rework our plans a little.

So that's my update.  Helluva update right?

After we told my mom she hugged me and said "God has a plan" Oh he certainly does, and a sense of humor apparently. :0)

P.S-apologies about my previous entries (and possibly this one) I feel like I did a lot of babbling and repeating myself, can I blame pregnancy brain already? Please?