Thursday, March 7, 2013

7 Weeks!

I need more creative titles for my blog posts, titling based on how far along I am just seems so...generic?

Anyway yesterday marked 7 weeks on the pregnancy journey, today it's been 6 days since our big news of finding out about our twins!  I'm still feeling pretty good but I think the occasional nausea and food aversions are getting worse but luckily I still have not gotten sick yet.  I'm still just so crazy tired.  I sort of feel like an old lady with my constant need to take a nap.  I like to play the "I'm growing two humans here" card with Tom as my excuse for everything, I think it's working.  That or I just married an amazingly understanding man.

On Tuesday I had my first appointment but only saw a nurse.  We went over my medical history and she gave me a ton of information.  TMI AHEAD, YOU'VE BEEN WARNED:  I've had a terrible time "going" lately so we had a nice chat about that, which I hated, because like any nurse I hate being the patient.  Didn't know pregnancy was so gosh darn sexy right?

I was somewhat disappointed to learn I can't see the midwife group at Mayo due to my twin pregnancy.  I'm just so worried about having a C-section (thanks to some horrible nightmares I had).  I know that at the end of it all it's just going to be important that I'm ok and we have 2 healthy babies but I think I still deserve the type of birth I'd envisioned.  Earlier I mentioned that Tom and I initially wanted a natural birth at a birth center with a midwife but birth centers in MN do not do twin delivery.  From what I'm finding with twins is that I'm probably going to be made to deliver in the OR with a strongly advised epidural.  It's just not what I envisioned.  I was recently told about a physician in Hudson WI that sort of functions as a male midwife :0) From what I'm told he's fantastic in encouraging women in their birth plan.  And again, all I really want is to have 2 healthy babies regardless but I really want to see this doctor in the hopes of having both 2 healthy babies and a fantastic birth experience.

Our first photos of the twins are now gracing our fridge, I need to figure out how to get cell phone photos onto our computer without having to go through Facebook so I can put them on here!

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