Friday, June 28, 2013

18-23 Weeks!

Wow, can't believe it's been over a month since my last post!  Sorry for anyone that was really waiting for an update.  For those that don't know I've been somewhat busy finishing my MSN but now that I'm done with that I'll have more time for baby related stuff, yay!

Weeks 18-19

Nothing to crazy to report.  At this point I still wasn't feeling any movement, I think I might have felt a few flutters right at 19 weeks, then nothing again.  My placenta is anterior (meaning it's attached to the front wall of my uterus) so I was told it would take longer for me to feel movement and likely won't feel as much as women that have a placenta attached at the back of the uterus.  Boo, two babies in there and I'm STILL not going to feel much??  I ended up being seen my a midwife that works with my doctor and ended up on antibiotics at that visit.  No worries, nothing serious....except for the major gastrointestinal upset the antibiotics wreaked upon my system (sorry for the TMI!)

Week 20

Finally caved this week and took at photo of myself
I really thought I was looking actually pregnant by now.  But some of my patients at work ask me sometimes if I have children but I would tell people that I was expecting twins...which would then I would be told "Well hunny I would have never guessed you were pregnant!" Ugh.  I'm sure that's meant as a compliment but I was feeling enormous.  My co-workers assured me scrub tops hide a lot and I looked much more pregnant in this photo in just my t-shirt ;-)  Still was questioning whether I was feeling movement, and halfway through this week I was pretty convinced I was finally feeling some little kicks, mainly just at the top of my abdomen, most likely above where the placenta is attached.

Week 21

This was the week we'd been waiting for this whole time thus far...we were going to find out the sex of these babies!  We went and saw my doctor Friday June, 14th.  I was officially 21 weeks and 2 days.  The first pictures he showed us were the big reveal ones...and promptly pointed out that they were little BOYS!  I was pretty surprised, I really thought they were girls!  Most of our families and my friends and co-workers also thought girls.  Tom, however, said from the beginning that they were boys and I guess he was right.  My doctor also took a few photos of their little faces and told us everything looked good so far as far as the size of each baby, heart, spine and he was able to point out during the facial shots that both boys have a "normal" mouth/lip, as in no cleft lip/palate.  So it was great to hear that they both look healthy but he'll continue to monitor their growth to make sure they're growing at a mostly equal pace.  Baby A has consistently been the bigger twin and still is, but not too much bigger that my doctor is concerned about the growth.

Here are some ultrasound photos!!
Hey, a little face!  He kind of looks like a cute old man in there :)
 I'm thinking they're going to look like their daddy!

A little foot!
Profile shot 

After we left the office we headed to Byerly's to get some cupcakes to take to my mom's house for dinner to let them know what we were having!  On the way we called my dad and told him because he was out of town for work and we wouldn't get to see him that weekend.  At Byerly's they didn't have any plain cupcakes on display but after asking one of the girls at the counter she told me she had some plain iced cupcakes that she could quickly decorate for us.  She put blue sprinkles and some cute decorations on them
Weeks 22 & 23

Feeling definite daily movement now, but again it's just really high on the belly and not constant.  During the ultrasound they were moving around like crazy, much more than I'm feeling.  Now the kicks are strong enough to feel from the outside but they always seem to stop kicking as soon as Tom tries to feel them.  Little stinkers.  Overall I feel pretty good most of the time.  Meals are probably the worst.  I feel like I'm about to burst after every meal no matter how little I eat and then end up with heartburn, blech.  I also have back pain sometimes after work but I've been seeing a chiropractor to help with that.  Also having restless legs in the evenings, something I've had in the past but it hasn't bothered me for awhile until now.

Me at 22 weeks

Other than that we have been slowly trying to finish the nursery, I promise I'll do a whole separate blog post on that later when it's all done.  My wonderful mom is also planning a shower for me in August and my fantastic co-workers are also having a shower for me and a couple other expecting mamas on our unit, also in August.  I promise now that I'm done with my MSN I'll have more time for blogging!   

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