Friday, July 26, 2013

26 and 27 Weeks

Wednesday was officially 27 weeks...which means it's the last week of the second trimester!  Crazy!  I can't believe how close we're getting and I'm getting so anxious to meet our boys :0)

Last week Tom and I started birth class and so far I'm happy with it.  We're taking a class that focuses on trusting that women's bodies know how to birth and learning relaxation techniques to help me get through labor with no interventions, this includes induction, as I'd like to go into labor naturally when the babies are ready.  The class so far has been informative and I like that they taught us about using massage as a comfort/distraction technique.  I think Tom needs to practice that on me a lot before labor, you know, just so he gets really good at it. ;-)

Still working on the nursery, slowly getting there.  Sorry to everyone that's asked for pictures, but I don't want to show anyone until it's completely finished!  Tom is antsy to start putting these cribs together.  And I'm antsy to get all the baby stuff that has exploded in our guest room for house guests here at the moment!

Went to the doctor on Thursday and thankfully everything was fine.  Both babies are measuring roughly the same size and in the 48th percentile.  So at yesterday's ultrasound they were both estimated to be about 2lbs 4ozs right now.  I was soooo relieved.  And Dr. H is happy that both boys are plenty active and practicing their breathing skills.  Bad news was I failed my one hour glucose screen.  And when I say fail, I just BARELY failed.  No I was pretty bummed and now have to go sit in the clinic on Monday morning for the 3 hour test.  Not exactly what I wanted to do with my day off.  I'll be at peace with whatever the results are, some women just don't tolerate all the hormones from the placenta as well as others.  And I know that with a double size placenta I'm at an increased risk just because I'm carrying twins.  Of course I'd rather not have gestational diabetes but we'll manage if I do.

Other than that not much else.  Still my same symptoms of terrible heartburn and back pain.  And Baby B's head is still crammed up under my ribs which at times is quite uncomfortable.  But antacids help with the heartburn and I see a chiropractor every 2 weeks for my back/sacrum/hip pain.  Now if this stubborn boy would turn head down like his brother.... ;0)

Baby shower at my mom's is next Saturday, so excited!

One last crazy thing:  we self schedule at work and today our schedule was made available through October I need to start signing myself up for shifts up until my maternity leave starts...crazy!!!  I won't be scheduling myself past 38 weeks but should I make it that far and still be working I'll just have shifts added.

I'll update after my 3 hour test, praying for no diabetes!

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