Thursday, February 21, 2013

5 Weeks!

So as of yesterday I'm 5 weeks along!  Feeling great other than some pretty intense fatigue, I'm always in the mood for a nap lately.  I feel great, so why can't I stop the constant worry?  I worry about this baby all the time, is he/she developing ok?  What is something goes wrong?  I also worry constantly (probably needlessly) about a possible ectopic pregnancy, having only 1 tube I worry about something happening to it.  I had what I'll consider my first pregnancy meltdown yesterday, I was having a lot of discomfort on my right side (the side where my tube is) and it was freaking me out.  And when I say freaking out I mean I had a complete breakdown after work and nearly went to the ER.  I resisted because what little sanity I feel like I had left told me the discomfort was probably too much in the hip area.  After talking with a good friend I decided it was most likely round ligament pain and went home to relax and it felt much better last night and today.  So, yes, I felt like a complete psycho.  But I think I won't chill out and relax until after than first ultrasound (happening soon hopefully!)

In other news, Tom and I toured a freestanding birth center tonight and loved it!  I would love to deliver my child during a water birth, pain med and intervention free.  Now here's hoping I can convince my insurance company to cover them as an in network provider.  I'll update more on that after I talk with them. 

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