Monday, February 18, 2013

It's Official! We're Expecting!

Well if you're reading this it means Tom and I have officially announced that we're expecting!  Brief overview on how two of us are becoming a family:

 Tom and I met in 2006 the summer after my freshman year of college and began dating that August.  After dating through the next several years of my college education Tom proposed the weekend I graduated from school with my BAN (Bachelor of Arts in Nursing).  After living for a year after my graduation in South Dakota we moved back to Minnesota and set the date for our wedding!  Tom and I were married September 30, 2011, honeymooned in St. Lucia in March 2012 and bought our first home in June 2012.  In July 2012 I was informed I would need surgery for an ovarian cyst that would not resolve on it's own.  I had hoped the doctor would be able to save my ovary, but alas, I got out of surgery cyst free but it cost me my ovary (surgery preformed in September 2012).  Tom and I decided to start trying to start our family in October 2012 trusting that God's timing would make it happen when the time was right.

Fast forward to February 12, 2013, I took a home pregnancy test and surprise!  It was positive!  I told Tom shortly after I found out myself, even though I had already been suspecting I might be.  Tom and I are both extremely excited and can't wait to be parents!  Based on dating and whatnot, my due date should be around October 23, 2013.  I'm just so nervous and just want to have my first ultrasound and hear that little heartbeat.

I'm still up in the air about what sort of provider I want but I really want to avoid a hospital birth.  After watching documentaries like "The Business of Being Born" and "Pregnant in America" and along with my own research, I've decided I'd like to avoid a hospital birth if at all possible (probably sounds weird coming from a nurse that works in a hospital!)  I'll include more on this later, along with my other crazy hope to encapsulate my placenta.

Anyways that's all I got for now!

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